Apple Vacations



The Aruban climate is generally sunny and warm. The average annual temperature is 83° F (27° C), and rainfall amounts to just 17 inches a year, most of which occurs during the months of October and November.
Travel Information
Travel t o and from Aruba uses the Queen Beatrix International Airport.
Departure taxes are generally $34.25 per person, USD
Rental Cars: Arubans drive on the right-hand side of the road, and in order to rent a car in Aruba one must have held a driver's license for at least two years. The minimum age to rent is between 21 and 25, while the maximum age is between 65 and 70 (depending on the rental agency). A deposit of $500 US or an open signed credit card is normally required, and there is a large variety of rental agencies to choose from, including many multi-national companies such as Hertz, Avis or Budget.

The currency in Aruba is the Aruban Florin, U.S. dollars accepted..

Required Proof of Citizenship: U.S. citizens: a valid U.S. passport or a state-issued birth certificate with raised seal and photo I.D. back-up. All other travelers must bring a valid passport and a visa.

Traveling with minors: Minors traveling with only one parent or adults other than their parents must have a notarized letter from the absent parent(s) authorizing them to be taken out of the country. If the parent is deceased, a copy of the death certificate will be required.

Tips: There is an 11% service charge on room rates. There is also a 6% government tax. The service charge of food and beverages is 10% to 15% in lieu of gratuities at the hotels.


This site was last modified on
Monday Nov 10th, 2006